The backyard planespotter

I'm living about 7 miles east of the start of runway 27 of Schiphol Airport, or EHAM. Planes pass just to the north of me on their approach at about 2,000 ft.

At some point, I started taking pictures of passing planes from my garden, and pretty soon thereafter I put these pictures online. To keep the bandwidth and disk space requirements manageable, I resized the original pictures to 900x600 pixels. I do have (almost all of) the original pictures offline.

So, there you have it, the story behind the Backyardplanespotter page.

Things to find:

A note on the dates you might find on the plane pages, they're approximate. It's the time that the camera puts as meta-tags on the pictures, but cameras seem to have quite a clock drift, and I don't really synchronize the clock. It's accurate up to about 15 minutes.